Getting That Perfect Eye Laser Surgery Is Easy Now

A perfect vision is like an asset to the human body. When you are able to see everything clear with the use of contact lenses or specs it really feels nice. It almost feels like a load of burden has been removed from your head. If you are suffering from Myopia or cataract and are looking for eye laser surgery Sydney then consider contacting Here is how to get that perfect eye laser surgery is easy now.
Get perfect eye laser surgery with highly sophisticated instruments

laser eye surgery Sydney, eye laser surgery Sydney

laser eye surgery Sydney

•    One of the best parts about is that they always use highly sophisticated and advanced laser surgery instruments and tools. There is no pain experienced and the patient is immediately discharged after the surgery.
•    Due to high success rate, the number of patients coming to them is increasing with each passing day. All of their surgeons are pretty well trained and well experienced to do their work. Their team of eye surgeons includes Dr Moshegov, Dr Alison Chiu and many more such well experienced and renowned eye surgeons.
•    Apart from the eye treatments that have been discussed above, you can also opt for iLasik, Monovision, PRK, Hyperopia, Phakic IOL, Cataracts and many more such eye treatment options.
See now and pay later is their latest program
•    Under their see now and pay later program patients can opt for interest free plans which means you can clear the billed amount in an easy installment of 24 months. These payment options are completely flexible and can cost you as low as $5 a day.
•    To know more about their flexible payment plans you must log on to and get complete and in-depth details. You can also call on their customer helpline number and get surgery and payment details.
•    If in case you are busy then just drop a simple email mentioning your requirement and details. Somebody from the administration will contact you back with complete answers to all your queries.
•    You can also book a consultation by filling up the consultation form available on their website. Currently they are present in two locations in Australia and those two locations are Hornsby Street, NSW and Macquarie Street, Sydney. You can get complete address details from their website and personally visit their eye clinic for eye treatments.
Apart from consultation booking form there are two more forms that are available on their website and those are called as a standard booking form and priority booking form. Always make sure that complete and detailed information is filled into these forms so that it becomes easy for them to judge about your situation and they can act accordingly. They are pretty well connected with major social media portals and you can join any of their social media contacts for better understanding and the latest updates from their side.

Hence, from all of the above mentioned information, you can very well judge that is one of the best laser eye surgery Sydney treatment clinics in Australia and you can get your eyes completely treated from them at highly affordable costs.

What are eye floaters

One of the most common vision related problems that people around the world face is that of eye floaters. Floater is basically a term used for cobweb or specks like structures that appear to be floating in front of the field of vision of a person. In some cases, these images are occasional while in others they are quite frequent. They may also be referred to as sparks or strands of light that move across individuals’ field of vision. In most cases, they prove to be harmless but they can also be a warning sign of an incoming eye related problem, especially in a situation where they begin to become a bit too frequent and irritating.Eye Floaters, Floaters in The Eye

So what exactly are floaters?

They are basically cluster or clumps of protein that get deposited in the white portion of the eye, called vitreous humor. Vitreous humor covers the major portion of the eyeball and lays down a pathway for all the incoming light which passes through it to reach the back of the eyeball, called retina. Retina is the back wall of the eye and is basically a patch of cells that are sensitive to light. It is responsible for capturing the images and sending them to brain via a series of nerves called optic nerves.

What we usually call as eye floaters are not exactly floaters but shadows that are casted onto the wall of eyeball. This shadow is casted due to the deposition of protein clumps in vitreous humor. When light passes through this white portion, the clumps cast a shadow on retina, resulting in shadow or web like images floating in front of our eyes. That is the very reason why no matter how much you try to chase them they appear to be drifting away.

As we age, our vitreous humor begins to shrink. Sometimes, they begin to become a little stringy which results in floaters in the eye. If you go by the statistics, you will find that more than 25% of the human population suffers from this problem at some or the point in their lives. That figure is around 60% for people above 80 years. However, it is usually found in people suffering from nearsightedness. In some cases, it also occurs after cataract surgery or any injury to eyes. Although the problem is harmless in most cases, it can lead to major problems if ignored for long.

The perfect solution for eye related issues and problems

Due to the lifestyle of modern generation, proper nutrients and vitamins are being deficient which lead to eye problems such as long sightedness in young kids also. However short sightedness is the common problem that arises due to the growing age. Both these short and long sightedness are the problems that occur due to the light reception by the retina in the eye. For short sightedness, the light ray is being focused before the retina which makes the distant objects not visible clearly and in long sightedness, the light ray is focused behind the retina which makes the distant objects to appear improperly visible. Both these conditions could be corrected by aiding simple surgeries that makethe focus on the retina perfect. There have been many emerging methodologies that make happen this process of correction. The most preferred and safe method is the Eye Lasik surgery which is made by the help of using a laser beam in the patient’s eye. When the laser beam is projected into the eye, it corrects the focal path of the retina and corrects the defective ray positioning on the retina. This laser procedure is very simple and it could be done to both long and short sightedness problems.

Laser surgery for eye

The Laser surgery for eye has been practiced for the past 20 years and the success rate is very high. There are no proven adverse effects that amount to health of the eye. It is known as a complete safe and easy procedure. But a series of tests are made to the eye before performing the Lasik surgery to the eye. These tests are used to determine the health and properties of pupil, cornea and retina. The laser beamfocused in to the eyeshould is sustained by all these components of eye as they are vital for the eye. If the report states any problem in the condition of either of these, then the laser operation will not be preferred to the patient. There are other methodologies that are conventional which are proven time consuming and also risky. No mistakes will be incurred by following the Lasik surgery because it is so simple and just involves a few simple steps using the sophisticated modern machinery that is being used for performing the Lasik surgery on the eye.


A revolutionary surgical treatment called LASIK

You should consider yourself fortunate to be living in an era where the field of medicine and surgery has advanced to an extent that lot of health related complications can now be permanently treated, that too in an absolutely painless manner. One such treatment that has been taken hands on by people across the globe is LASIK. It is a highly advanced Lasik laser eye surgery that has restored normal vision of millions of people around the world, without requiring them to shed even a single drop of blood. The accuracy and success rate of the treatment is such that any individual who is suffering from vision related problems such as myopia and hypermetropia can now expect to get rid of his or her glasses once and forever after undergoing this revolutionary surgical procedure.

lasik eye surgery

The first LASIK eye surgery treatment was performed in the year 1990. Since then, thousands of people across the globe have started undergoing the treatment to treat their vision related problems permanently. If you go by the statistics, you will find that it is the people from the US which hold the highest percentage for having undergone the treatment.

An interesting fact that you might not be aware of is that before the eyeglasses and refractive surgeries came into being, people suffering from nearsightedness or hypermetropia had no other option but to squint. Fortunately, the times have changed for the better and the advent of contact lenses and a wide range of corrective solutions have solved such problems to a great extent, much to the relief of people suffering from such eye related complications.

As far as this advanced surgical treatment called LASIK is concerned, it takes no more than a few minutes to treat the problem. Unlike other surgical procedures, the treatment does not require much of a downtime because of the fact that no incisions are made in or around the eyes during the procedure. The lasers used in the procedure removes corneal tissues and reshapes it to correct vision related issues. Very fine layers of corneal tissues are removed through these lasers called excimer lasers. The procedure is so quick that each slice can be removed in as little as 12 billionth of a second.

So if you are troubled with eye problems such as myopia, hypermetropia or astigmatism, just go for this treatment and start seeing this whole wide world with healthy eyes.

Give your eyes a new lease of life

A very famous quote says, “Beauty lies in the eyes of the beholder.” It is indeed a wonder how the eye is able to capture the beauty of nature and everything that God has created. But keeping good care of your eyes is also very important if one wants to be able to enjoy the beauty of their surroundings. At Perfect Vision Laser Correction, Australia’s leading laser eye clinic, it s now possible to get excellent treatment for your eye problems and re-vitalize your eyes to their former glory. The team of professionals at the clinic is all specialists in their field and really committed to the cause of helping patients get their eye sight back. Under the able guidance and leadership of Dr Moshegov and Dr Chiu, the team of doctors works very hard to meet and surpass patient expectations.

Generally, laser surgery for eyes is a procedure that requires a candidate to undergo treatment for sometime before their vision is corrected completely. With the commitment program from Perfect Vision, all patients are made to undergo an initial phase of treatment where they are tested to see if they are viable candidates for surgery. It is only after this that patients are admitted for the surgery. The main focus of the treatment is ensuring the long term health of the patient’s eyes and perfect vision for them for the rest of their lives. Making use of lasermakes the procedure less risky.

Such treatment can be really helpful if you want to get your vision corrected, if you are suffering from astigmatism, for patients who are suffering from hyper myopia or myopia, mono vision or cataract. The laser eye clinic also offers a program under which the patient can undergo the treatment now and pay at a later point of time. All these initiatives help build a bond of trust with the patient and they feel more relaxed in handing themselves under the charge of the doctors at the clinic. Perfect Vision also offers an extensive range of lenses which are technologically advanced and which are use for non-surgery treatments. These are very beneficial for patients who do not need laser surgery. The procedure is fairly simple and done by making use of Phakic Intraocular Lenses.


laser surgery for eyes

Considering the wide number of services that the clinic provides, it is easy to say that along with expertise the doctors at Perfect Vision also have genuine care and concern for their patients. Each candidate for surgery receives individual attention from the doctor who would be attending them. To start your treatment or to see if you are a candidate for laser surgeryyou can book a consultation with the clinic and get yourself tested.

Perfect vision makes use of the most advanced technology and the latest techniques to help you get your vision back and make it as perfect as it was before. At the best eye clinic you can be sure to get the best bouquet of services.

Some important facts about laser eye surgery

eye laser surgeryDespite the popularity of laser eye surgery, not many people are aware of important facts related to this procedure. Through this article, we are going to uncover a few of them for you so that you can educate yourself as to what this surgery is all about.

One of the misconceptions, about laser eye surgery is that it can help you get a 20/20 vision. Although people in general cannot be blamed for it as it the misleading advertisements by the surgeons that has led to such a belief, the fact remains that there is no technique available till date that can guarantee a 20/20 vision. Although it is possible for a majority of people to restore normal vision after the surgery, but no honest surgeon would give them an absolute guarantee of perfect vision. If you want to achieve such results, you might be required to go for an enhancement surgery in order to achieve full correction.

As far as the right age for the eye laser surgery is concerned, there is no particularly age limit these days but most surgeons suggest that it is better to go for the surgery after the age of 21. Also, to achieve best results it is best to go for it when your nearsightedness or astigmatism range has stabilized. It is this factor that is more crucial than your age.

If you are worried about pain that accompanies most surgical procedures, then you can afford to breathe a sigh of relief as laser eye surgery is absolutely painless. All you might feel is a bit of pressure on your eyes during the procedure but it is not something that would make you uncomfortable.

One common concern among people planning to undergo this surgical procedure is related to how long the results of the surgery would last. The highly advanced laser equipment and technique available these days now means that the vision correction achieved through it can last for a lifetime. The procedure involves the modification of a soft tissue present in the eye called cornea. Once this modification is achieved through laser techniques, the cornea tends to remain stable all life. Although there are certain cases of regressions but those are very rare compared to millions of patients whose visions have remained stable after the surgery.

The procedure is as accurate as it can be allowing it to sculpt the cornea the way surgeon wants to.